Huldegedicht aan Singer

Date of composition: May 2020
Instrumentation: mezzo, tenor, baritone, piano / second version for three female voices
Duration: ca. 7‘
Text: Paul van Ostaijen

Screenshot 2021-02-17 at 02.01.59.png

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Huldegedicht aan Singer is a short scene for three singers, set on text by the Belgian poet Paul van Ostaijen (1896-1928). With this poem, van Ostaijen criticises Capitalism and the advertising industry that constantly pressure us to buy all the hip new products (in this particular case, a Singer sewing machine).

The poem is full of references to different artists, historic figures, and political phenomena. Despite its slightly nonsensical and humorous content, it manages to capture the absurdity and problematic nature of modern day consumerism quite well.

An adapted version for women’s ensemble premiered on May 14th 2021, directed by Mien Bogaert, as part of the Ghent Conservatory’s “mini opera” project, which you can view below.