
Date of composition: January 2022
Instrumentation: double chorus (2xSATB)
Duration: ca. 9‘
Text: Augusta Peaux, Guido Gezelle, Jan Hendrik Leopold


Zomerpromenade is a cycle of 3 songs for double chorus, commissioned by vocal ensemble SAEVUS for their concert programme PROMENADE in the summer of 2022.

The cycle uses texts in the Dutch language that, while being from different writers, all relate to nature and the course of life in some way. For me, the cycle is an inner reflection of past, present, and future life, learning to appreciate each of those phases and the beauty of the everyday simplicities.

I. Een Verbena (Augusta Peaux) is a reminiscence of past beauty and the regret of not having appreciated those younger years enough.
II. Cypselus apus (Guido Gezelle) is a snapshot of a flock of common swifts, and the fascination for their ability to both fly at high speeds and glide ever so slowly through the air.
III. Als Ik Dood Zal Zijn (J. H. Leopold) is the reassurance to not grieve for one who has passed of old age, for growing to such an age has allowed the creation of many beautiful moments and sweet memories.

Take a listen to part I. Een Verbena below: